Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pictures of the Dave's Bigfoot Show II at Wolf Mountain, read the emails at the end. spooky

This is dang spooky:
Read this in reverse order as there are 4  different people commenting

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "David L. Carver" <carverdavidl@aol.com>
Date: September 6, 2011 3:09:30 PM MDT
Subject: Re: interesting info read from bottom to top as it is in reverse order

cool, huh?

-----Original Message-----
From: AAAA
To: David L. Carver <
Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 3:04 pm
Subject: Re: interesting info read from bottom to top as it is in reverse order

Holy crap!

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 6, 2011, at 12:53 PM, "David L. Carver" <
carverdavidl@aol.com> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Facebook
To: David Lewis Carver <
Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 10:58 am
Subject: New message from BBBB

Something interesting that may not have been reported to you> I live just east of Liberty Park in the Rulon Jones Subdivision. The night of the big foot show every Cow, Horse and Dog in the area barked, moo-ed and whinnied all night long. It was the damded thing ever! I have no idea if the animals didnt get fed somewhere and caused the ruckus or if it was the bigfoot call that changed the landscape but it was a crazy noisy night un-like any other night that i can remember. Personally i think that the animals were reacting to the bigfoot call. Crazy Huh!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: CCCC My Son here writing
To: Carverdavidl
Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 10:09 am
Subject: Re: thanks
You want to know something funny was when I was trying to light up the cut out and you played the sound I swear that I heard something too but you turned on the music to soon and I couldn't make out if if was my mind or if it was really a scream.
> Subject: Re: thanks
> From:
> Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 22:35:37 -0600
> To: DDDD
> You should have seen how cool it was to see the headlamps snake themselves up the trail. That trail is steep so don't feel bad. They had some very serious runners.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 5, 2011, at 9:51 PM,  DDDD wrote:
> > Dave, I had a really good time on Saturday night, I originally got up to Eden thinking I'd be fine on the 10 k and as I started to climb that mountain, I didn't want to do it twice, not that I was scared, but that I didn't train as hard as I thought I did! I was probably a third or half the way up and had long since been passed by all the fast runners, and I did hear something just like that call sound you played during the time your eye witnesses and experts were talking; did you play the audio clip after the race started? I'm serious, I actually heard something that sounded like your audio clip! I really liked listening to the stories and the eye witnesses, it was a good way to set up the race! Thanks so much, I really had a very good time! DDDD

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Here is the Big news with the Show

In an effort to make the Show affordable to all we will be charging $20 a carload. A special boy scout program will be arranged-call for information. Held at Wolf Mountain we will concentrate solely on the Show and the MidNight Blood Run both 5K and 10K plus another big attraction. You'll be blown away.

Don't let somebody tell you how fun this was. You tell them. See ya there. BigFoot Boy.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The world's best graphic artist

OK I"ll tell you who it is. It's Master Guitar Player and Musician, Danny Carver in Pleasant View, Utah.  He is the genius behind the face of  the BigFoot, USA Blog. For sure add yourself to the followers list as these shows will both be Pre-sold and you will be the first to know. This is going to be so Damn fun. I can't wait. dc